Copycats are getting better at making replica designer bags

Jan 20th

As is increasingly apparent, “superfakes”, or counterfeit luxury handbags, pose serious threats to both luxury brands and their consumers. Their high-quality copies can often be indistinguishable from genuine products causing serious difficulties for both parties involved.
As prices for high-end brands like Hermes, Chanel and Prada rose, so did production of counterfeit goods – even experienced eyes may find it hard to distinguish them from genuine products. Sarah Davis of Fashionphile pointed out the sharp contrast between fake Birkin sales from years past and those sold today; some replica Birkins now fetch upwards of $6,000. These counterfeit Birkins are handmade.
2,5% of global trade involves fake products, with luxury items in particular being targeted by U.S. law enforcement who seized over 23 million counterfeit items during fiscal year 2012-2013 – estimated retail value exceeding $2 billion!
Jen Shah from “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” was recently caught with superfakes, further disorienting viewers as to what is real and false in public’s perception. Law enforcement finds it challenging to dismantle these operations due to being highly discrete and compartmentalized.
This is a replica hermes bag online store:

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